Capree & Wrigley

Oct 18, 2011  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

Capree and I have known each other for nine years. It actually hurts my soul a little to think that I began college nine years ago. Where on earth does the time go?! Anyway, aside from feeling old I absolutely adore Capree. And her doggie Wrigley. Capree write a seriously awesome blog called My Adventure is Your Advantage (AKA MAIYA) all about amazing modern design. She also writes for some other blogs, Curbly, Grassroots ModernWantist and 2Modern. That’s how good she is people. Oh and you should also follow her boards on Pinterest. And get one of her sweet photos in etsy. Anyway, Miss Capree and Sir Wriggles needed new photos of themselves to plaster all over the internets and I was gladly able to supply said photos on my recent trip to UT (pronounced uh-t for my amusement).

Behold, adorable Capree and cute as a button Wrigley.

Are you not in love with her guest room? Because I want to live in it. You can read all about her guest room designing adventures here. Capree’s makeup was done by the phenomenal Tristan of Tristan’s Beauty in a Box.

Ripley got to visit for a couple days with the Kimballs and had the best time ever. She’s totally depressed and missing them. Especially Capree’s husband, Brady. And even though Wrigley is spelled very differently than Ripley, it sounds very much the same. Which means when we first got Ripley both Sir Luke and I called her Wrigley, constantly. And why Capree resorted to called her “Little Lady” and “Pip” while in her care.

Here are Wriggles and Pippy together, in love, best friends, FOREVER!


  • Capree says:

    Yaaaaay!!! I love, love, LOVE these photos! You are THE best; thank you x 1 million!! 😀

    P.S. Tell lil Ripley that she is sorely missed! What a cutie.

  • Creede says:

    They look great! Nice work.

  • Unknown says:

    Love it!!! You are such a pretty lady Capree 🙂 And your pup is adorable!!!

  • Little Lisa says:

    They are SO lady and the tramp, no offense to Wrigley. They just need a bowl of noodles.

  • The photos look great!!

  • Capree says:

    TOTALLY lady and the tramp!!

  • Sarah says:

    SOOO darling! I *love* these and can’t wait to see more of your other Utah shoots. Super sad I was totally not on the ball to schedule you to shoot our family… BOOOOO! Let me know next time you’ll be in town and hopefully I can get my act together.

  • britta says:

    LOVE love LOVE them!! such a babe!

  • Deveny says:

    AHH, that dog is adorable!! And yes, you have one foot in the grave already… 🙂

  • Sibylle says:

    Love the pictures!!! And the robots;-)

  • Capree says:

    Ee, thanks guys! 🙂

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