
Mar 7, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

As a kid, my parents would frequent the house of Clookie. (I’m pretty sure I have mis-spelled their name but it looks how it sounds to me, and thanks to “kid code” that’s how I’m spelling it.) We wouldn’t venture to their house too often but as my memory holds any time we visited was one too many. The problem for any kid in the Clookie house was this, it was white.


The carpet was white, as were the walls and all the cabinets and furniture, linens, clothing and even the dog.


Can you imagine walking into a house like that at age seven, knowing full well anything you touched would show the dirt on your pudgy little fingers? I never knew what to do with myself while we were there. I couldn’t play outside because when I returned I would be more unclean than when I had arrived. I couldn’t chase after the dog for fear that I might knock over a precious white vase or scuff a wall with my black rubber souled shoes.

There was only one redeeming thing about the Clookie household and that was the guest bathroom. Minus the overwhelmingly humongous white marble bathtub and white towels there was the white puffer fish light. It sat on the counter by the door. When you turned off the bathroom light the puffer fish light would light up like any bathroom night light (could I fit one more “light” in that sentence?). It was just about the most amazing thing I had ever seen up to that point. Even now it’s hard to beat.

I’m not sure that a person can purchase these puffer lights. All I’ve found online are tutorials on how to make them. One thing is for certain, the Clookies did NOT make theirs. Too proper and white for slime, guts and goo.

All I can say is that I know one person who may find this entry either totally awesome or totally blasphemous as she is a lover of all things puffer.


  • Capree says:

    It’s made from a real puffer fish?? That’s really sad. 🙁 I’ll have to cast my vote for “Blasphemous” on this one.


  • Anonymous says:

    That was Clukey – and if you ever ask your brother or sister about “the Clukeys” you will get the same response, I’m sure only they started their visits at age 3 and 4 – so 7 – not too bad.

    And by the way, Evelyn probably did make her puffer fish lamp – she was into making all sorts of wonderful things from something else. And they were always beautiful and elegant. That’s why I liked being around her. She reminded me of my mom – I called her my California Mom. Love, Mom

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