Display Thursday: Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Feb 9, 2012  |  Posted by: Megan Stay
This week several people came to my house when I was not expecting them and had to bear witness to the slob that I am… It was severely embarrassing but at the same time, eh. I go through crazy cleaning phases and then I just can’t bring myself to put away the paper towels that I bought at the store last week. One such friend asked me what I was planning on doing with the two giant frames that are sitting on the floor against the chevron wall. And since they’ve been sitting there since Christmas and will probably continue to do so I thought I’d show you an EASY way to get stuff up on those walls of yours. 

New start my friends, new start.

ONE, although it may be the loneliest number that you ever knew is often all you need to brighten up a bland office wall or hallway. This room is likely anything but bland. This is the seating area of a bedroom. The image is perfect for the space and being the one lone piece for the large wall the scale of the image had to be huge as well. Keep that in mind when deciding to put one photograph on your wall. The bigger the empty space the bigger that one image should be. A tip: cut out newspaper to the size you think you want and tape it up on the wall. If the scale looks right you’re good to go, if not, try, try again!

Image via So Haute
It take TWO to make a thing go riiiiight! Do you see where I’m going with this now? Pairs of images are really great on a wall together, especially when they play off one another. I really think if you only have two images on a wall they do need to tie in together. Whether it be from the same shoot, or the same person or the same color (or black and white!). I would also tend to do as is done in this image and keep the scale and shape consistent. 
Image via Emily Henderson
THREE’s company too! I love how, in this attic space, they use the  wainscoting to align all the photographs. It’s clean and simple and still makes a great statement on the wall. Plus I love that it creates some streamlined structure to the oddly shaped attic room.
Image via Houz
See! How easy was that?! 1, 2, 3! (The first time I typed that it was 1, 2, 4! Mrs. May would be so sad to hear I forgot how to count!) Get those pictures up on your walls my friends. Go on, do it!
