
Jan 22, 2009  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

This photo has been up in out house for ages but I begged my mother to scan it for me so I could keep it forever.

My father used to work for the Santa Monica Fire Department, first overseeing all the fire alarm boxes around the city, then as the person to remove them all (picture from newspaper article, article not to be found) and finally as a fire inspector. He had a pretty rad job that entailed going to movie and television sets. Yes, I did get to have a signed cast photo of 7th Heaven when I was thirteen which was, at the time, the highlight of my life!

Currently our mailbox and doorbell both look like the box you see in the photo below. Don’t be afraid just pull the alarm.

Speaking of pulling fire alarms… Once upon a time there was a mother and father and a little girl who went to their nation’s capitol to see the sights. They decided to go to a children’s museum, all hands on! Super exciting for a child who had been to many places that banned all touching of artifacts. She got to stand in a giant bubble and play games. Upon turning the corner they all saw a lovely fire alarm on the wall. Clearly all things being hands on included the fire alarm. The father decided to pull said alarm. Unfortunately, to the surprise of all patrons and the mother, father, and child the entire building began to wail with ringing bells. Everyone ran out of the building and the three bolted and continued on down the street.

They weren’t going to wait to find out if anyone found out who pulled the alarm.


  • Tess says:

    This picture is awesome. And your story is so funny!

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