Pinhole Press Premium Products
I like alliteration, don’t you?! I’ve found this new company, Pinhole Press, that makes the most beautiful products that highlight photos. Remember how I am constantly trying to find ways for you to display your photos? Well, this my friends is the perfect place to purchase gifts with your photos. Especially right before the holidays. Only two-ish months until the gift giving season is upon us. I usually have things ready by now, but not this year! Les yipe! I need to get to it asap.
Anyway go to Pinhole Press, load your photos and shop away. I’ve seen their products in person at WPPI and know you will love them. Believe you me. One word: classy. They use high quality papers and printing to ensure you have a lovely product. Is it weird to call something inanimate, romantic? That’s how I feel about these things. It’s just really beautiful. I am all over the photo notepads. I really love them.

In other news, for the number of times I type definitely in a given day you’d think I could spell it correctly more than one time out of ten…