Road Trip

Feb 4, 2009  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

When I was a kid we went camping. But this wasn’t exactly everyone’s idea of camping. My parents and I drove a twelve passenger van with a 20′ trailer tacked on the back. A lot of room for only three people, but I didn’t know any different. Everyone had beds there was a bathroom and shower as well as a stove and an oven.

That was the life!

Well, now that I’ve discovered that our beaut of a towncar can pretty much tow anything (see video and or FAIL blog and or story) and still remain intact, I’ve decided I want an Airstream, and I don’t mean when I’m old and grey. I want it NOW! I would love to drive around during the summer and go to different towns photographing and meeting people and exploring the country. There are so many places that are waiting to be discovered!

Thanks for scanning the photos mom!


  • Ben Stay says:

    I’ve got to say my favorite part of the airstream floor plan is that it says “VINYL” where the floor is. Classic!

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