Danke Schone

Dec 8, 2007  |  Posted by:

I cannot describe all the feelings tied up in my body today.

I’ve written 3 sentences already and erased them all. I don’t know how to tell anyone who I’ve spent time with in New York how much they’ve meant to me.

Some things I want to say to a few people.

You helped me come out of my shell.
You laughed your way home and made me smile.
You played both sides so well, thank you.
You helped me stay focused and directed.
You made me feel special, even if it was so short.
You gave me great hugs.
You danced for me whenever I wanted.
You showed me how to be spontaneous.
You opened my eyes t the real world.
You treated me like family and talked me through a lot.
You humored me with nicknames.
You tutored me in domesticity.
You thought I was talented.
You loved what I loved.
You made faces.
You love me.

I’ll be back. But not for long. Las Vegas is calling our names and we’re comin’ a runnin’ on February 1.

I heard Rosemary Clooney sing Danke Schone on my iPod on Wednesday morning while I was going to work. (I’m telling you putting your entire iPod on random is the best thing ever). I can’t find this song by this Rosemary anywhere on the internet or iTunes. So, if you want a copy of it let me know. And to whomever gave it to me in our music sharing extravaganzas, Danke Schone.


  • Capree says:

    Friend! It’s always strange to close certain chapters of your life, but I guarantee the story keeps getting better. I’m excited for you guys and the new adventure that awaits you!

  • Megan Awesome! How did this sneak up so fast. I will miss your face:)

  • Megan Ruth says:

    Turns out it was not Rosemary Clooney. Danke Schone is indeed sung by Wayne Newton. How does a man end up sounding like a woman. A woman, with one of the most glorious voices ever conceived.

  • Rosemary Clooney’s 「Danke Schone」 is another songwriting with the song of the same name.
    The release is 1959, and words / the composition is Bryant, Boudleaux(his Greatest Hits is “BYE BYE LOVE”).
    It is recorded in the following CD albums now.
    Album title: [Legacy of Song: Original Recordings (
    Rosemary Clooney) ]

    Please refer to the following ・・


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