I think I might be EXCITED!

Jan 16, 2007  |  Posted by:

So when you start planning what you’re going to do on a trip to Provo two months before you go it could be considered strange but I’m just too excited to care at this point. So I thought I’d make a sorta list of the things that I plan on doing whilst I am in the beehive state.

Thursday Night March 16th (which is technically Friday)12:15AM

Arrive at SLC airport

Britta picks me up

We drive to Provo and immediately go to the hospital cafe for grilled cheese with tomato and fries..FRY SAUCE!!!!

Friday March 16th 8:00AM

Go take my stats tests and get freaking graduate for once in my life! (yes I’m still not done, mock me if you will but it’s hard to have a “real person” job AND want to do school work. I don’t know how people do it)

Go eat at J-Dawgs!!!

Go to DI!

Go to BYU campus and see Erik Dalzen‘s show, which will hopefully be up in the H-FACE.

Then I will try and see John Telford while I’m there as well.

And I will probably find one of you suckers with a BYU ID that can get me some binding thread and cool paper at the stock room. So be on the look out for me to come mooch off of you! Don’t worry I’ll put the $ on your card for you!

Hopefully a visit to the old Special Collections Lab to see some old an new faces!

Play time at night with some of you lucky peeps that I need to see!

Saturday March 17th

Kneaders for endless cinnamon French toast, mmmm. I will travel to Pleasant Grove if the one in Provo is out, I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again!

Go see (insert your name here if you are in the Provo area on Friday March 16th)
I have a list of people I will be seeing so perhaps there are plans we could make collectively as a group. Like dinner at the Smokehouse or something! YESSSS!! Because I will be eating there whilst in Provo.

Then that evening off to South Jordan to see my niece Kahla (Kayla) in Suessical the Musical. Anyone so inclined may attend with me. I gather that it will be fantastic. And my niece sings very well, although I’m not sure how much soloing she will be doing.

Then I will spend the night in South Jordan with the Family

Sunday March 18th

Go to church with the fam and spend the day eating and talking and having a jolly good time.

11:34 PM fly back to NYC

Monday March 19th

Arrive in NYC at 5:34 AM

Go home…go to work…die.

(If you have any further suggestions or ideas about what else I should do and whether or not you can fit me in your calendar I am open to many things. I am just excited to be going back my friends…is that weird?)


  • Capree says:

    EXCITEMENT!!! I can’t wait to see you!

  • Yancy says:

    as long as I’m one of the people on your list, I’m happy.

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