Master of the Web

Mar 1, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

I have become increasingly curious about who and how people come across my blog. While I can’t find out exactly who reads my blog Google Analytics gives me a general idea of how many people read it on a day to day basis. But another fine invention that Google has come up with is the Google Webmaster. It gives you stats on how high on the search list your blog (or any other website you own and operate) comes up on the list from the words people use to get to your site.

In other words, people searching for “Danke Schone” will find Mrs. MRS third on the list.

Then I got curious about how many subscribers I have on my blog. 18. I found this out accidentally through Google Reader. They’ve started recommending blogs for me to read (because reading over 100 isn’t enough). The Reader tells you how many subscribers they have and you can search other blogs. So I plugged my address into the search box and found “megruth” there. As well as here.

I have no idea who this person is, but they posted my tour of my house on Hamilton Terrace in a tribute to Hamilton Heights. It’s slightly bizarre that the web content I upload can be used by people I don’t know. I uploaded the video to and it somehow ended up loaded into blogger like they had the file. Weird.

Oh, Google, you’re so shifty sometimes. But I just love you.
