Save the Spiral

Mar 28, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

I don’t know why we’re thinking about drilling for oil in Utah when we’ve got oil in the Middle East. I mean really…

But seriously, we should be relying less and less on oil and more on our other natural resources like sun and wind and water. I want a hydrogen car.

Save Robert Smithson‘s “Spiral Jetty.” It’s funny because he constructed it with the intention that it would be washed away in the water. But with the incessant salt coating the rock and mud formation created a serious hold. I went out with my friend Jaquie in October of 2004 and thrashed my poor Fire on the way. My reccomendation would be to take a car that can handle off-roading better than a Honda.

Let’s preserve our artwork and our country. Keep that drill out!


  • Uptown Girl says:

    Are you serious? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m all about saving the Sprial Jetty. But really, the US needs to become more self-sufficient again. We used to EXPORT oil and now we can thank all of our environmentalist friends for our nearly $4.00/gallon gas, a weakened economy, and the loss of American lives in order to maintain such imports while we ignore our own resources. That’s all.

  • Sir Luke says:

    Actually, I think it’s the oil companies taking advantage of a crappy situation that’s causing the nearly $4.00/gallon gas. How else can you explain their ridiculous profit rises in the past few years?

    I’m also pretty sure that there are a couple more factors to the weakened economy than just foreign oil.

    I think her point was that there are a lot more options than just oil that we need to explore. There are certainly more environmentally friendly options than drilling. We need to end our dependence on oil period, not just foreign oil.

  • Uptown Girl says:

    Lots of good points. There are definitely other resources that are better to tap into (other than oil, like you said). I thoroughly agree that the economy’s problems are tied to a lot more than oil as well. Sorry for any misunderstanding… :\

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