This week I learned:

Jan 11, 2008  |  Posted by:

That the food trucks that I see parked along the streets of this fair metropolis are termed “roach coaches.”

It wasn’t until Sir Luke and I were driving home from Juno (Sir Luke did indeed post his Juno review but his server promptly went down and took the review with it. I don’t believe his site is up at this time, but check back soon!) and he saw a coach parked on the side of the road that I discovered the true nature of the beast. He has dined on the bounty of the coach several times but I dare say he never once mentioned seeing a roach. I want the proof!

I also learned the word knell. Christina opened my vocabulary eyes today, ” as mister ogilvy said, stagnation is our death knell.” Why is it that I can go nearly 24 years without ever hearing or using this word?

Last night I learned that baby showers can go much, much too long and that I can drive from Lincoln Park to Jersey City and not get lost.

Oh, and I found out that Wii’s can have friends! So if you want your Wii to be friends with General Custer then you should give me your Wii number…I don’t know how to locate that, but Sir Luke does.

Peace out


  • Christina says:

    Yesss! I get quoted again!

  • Capree says:

    wow, so I don’t read your blog for a week and suddenly there are like 50 new posts! YAY! That makes me really happy. I love the one about the mixer.. haha Oh it’s funny what being married does to you! I also covet household appliances, linens, kitchen gadgets, furniture, etc. It’s totally ridiculous – but I love it!

  • Little Lisa says:

    My Mii is SOOOOO cute. Her name is Little Lisa and she looks EXACTLy like me!!!!!

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