
May 18, 2010  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

Ok party people, here’s the skinny on travel in the next little bit. I am going to be here and there and everywhere for the next couple months. If I’m in your town I’d love to do a session with you!

Here are the dates and places I’m quasi available. Shoot me an email (meganruthstay at gmail dot com) to reserve your spot and confirm that I am available during the date and time you’d like. I’d really love it!

Washington DC area: This week! I have VERY limited availability but if you’d like a session we’ll work it out.

Boston/Franklin area: May 29th-June 8th

Salt Lake City area: June 20th-26th

Los Angeles are: July 2nd-6th

After all that (and all the traveling from the past month or two) I think I might sleep for a week. There’s been so much going on this year that I feel like everytime I take a second to look around we’re another month deeper into 2010. Before I know it, it’ll be Christmas! I’ve heard that when you’re younger time goes by really slow, but as your brain gets older it speeds up time. Is this really true? Because I feel like time seriously flies these days. Like a fighter jet.

I leave you with this gem from the Tyler family session from last Saturday.


  • Jnuck says:

    I’m so disappointed that Seattle is not on your list!

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