Vent and Purge

Mar 21, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

I like my job so far. I think the nice thing about this being my third grown up job is that I actually know what I’m doing. Everything that has to do with the general function of the job I already know. All I’m learning now are the details of the company.

I am a firm believer that where you are in life is related directly to what you’ve put into it. My skills and abilities to manage and problem solve come from my previous experiences. I worked hard and gleaned everything I could from each position I’ve had.

I guess all of this is just in response to some hurtful comments from someone yesterday. In essence I was being told that because I just started and I’m an assistant to my boss that my abilities are not worth my salary and I have an unfair advantage. I made my life choices. I left a great job and moved across the country having faith that everything would work out. I searched for over a month for a job that would meet my requirements and allow me to grow in my field.

It’s frustrating that I’m letting it get to me but when you think you’ve made a friend and then they turn on you it’s a little uncool.

I hope with time this person will see that I am worth my weight. I know that I am.


  • Nicki says:

    oh Megany! This person obviously doesn’t know you well enough, and I’m not quite sure I like them. You are definitely worth your weight. Definitely. I would even say worth your weight in gold, pumpkin face. Don’t let your stinky co-worker get you down.

  • Sarah Larsen says:

    WHAT THE HECK. I hate them. You are the best and I know 500 people who agree with me. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

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