A Gift

Jul 8, 2009  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

Whilst Sir Luke was away we had some crazy loan problems. The biggest of which involved getting information from Sir Luke during the time he was up in the Colorado mountains filming a documentary. Needless to say with no cell service to speak of I was incapable of reaching my love to help squelch the problem.

Thus many tears ensued and endless coaxing from my in-laws I was talked down from my ledge and all was right with the world by the end of the week. All just barely in time for our house to be built without any penalties.

To make up for the grey hairs I most certainly developed during this time the honorable Sir Luke sent me these lovely flowers. I was blushing when they arrived. And I was able to enjoy them for a full week! Glorious.

This man knows how to treat a lady and I love him dearly! Also, you should check out his new blog. www.AfroWhitey.com It’s all about making confusing techy things easy to understand. Heaven only knows I need all the help I can get! I’ll be writing a few photo posts as well. So if you have any questions let me know and we’ll get this thing rolling!


  • Carolyn says:

    Your flowers are beautiful! I’m glad that Sir Luke treats you so well.

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