Alice in Wonderland

Jun 25, 2009  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

When I was a kid my parents used to record movies on VHS so I could watch them over and over. My favorite was Alice in Wonderland. It was a live action version that had a squeezeable Welches Jam commercial in the middle. Sammy Davis Jr. played a tap dancing version of the caterpillar. Alice’s hair was never mussed and Carol Channing was the White Queen. There are so many elements missing from the Disney version. There was a mini series done in the 90s that I never got a chance to watch because it was always on too late.

I’m hoping that Tim Burton will bring those elements back. I have hope because Anne Hathaway is playing the White Queen.

It’s going to be amazing. I can feel it.

I just hope I haven’t put it on a pedestal that I’ll never be able to reach.



  • Natalie says:

    I loved that movie, too! It was always so scary for my 7 year old self, but I loved it just the same. Remember the song, “Jam tomorrow, jam yesterday, but never ever jam today!”

    Oh and the crazy lady who loved pepper and threw plates?!

    And how Alice’s hair was always perfectly dried and curled, even though she kept getting wet by falling in the pool….

    good show.

    The new one looks even scarier.

  • MegRuth says:

    MORE PEPPER!!! I love that scene! The part with the Jabberwock at the end always cut off. I guess they ran out of tape.

    I’ve never known anyone else who’s seen it! YAY!

  • Deveny says:

    Oh my gosh, I LOVED that version!! I recently remembered it and put it on my netflix. Carol Channing was the best part of the whole movie for me. And umm pretty sure that movie looks amazing, why haven’t I seen anything about this before?!?!

  • MegRuth says:

    Unless you’re a film geek like my Luke you wouldn’t have known. He reads all that stuff about movies coming out on Film Drunk. These images were just released this week although there was a Johnny Depp Mad Hatter photo leaked last September or something. But with the bad quality it just looked scary and dark. This, at least, is bright and colorful, yet probably will still be dark.

    Motivates me to finish reading the book soon!

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