
May 20, 2009  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

I don’t know that I’ve made it known on the blog yet but I got released from my calling at church in WEBELOS and am now an adviser for the Mia Maids (14-16 year old girls). I’m pretty excited about it too!

My first activity was a cobbler making day to help raise money for their girl’s camp this summer. They mushed up the crumbly cobber top in a zip-lock bag, some got way more creative in the mushing than others (see below). It was a lot of fun!


  • Club Narwhal says:

    um: outrageously jealous. also, word verification=”prehot” not kidding.

  • Carolyn says:

    Yum! What a good thing to do with your Mia Maids. Sounds like a fun calling. 🙂

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