Friday the 13th!

Jun 13, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

Today is Friday the 13th. I like the number 13, and most odd numbers like it.

I think New York is silly for rarely including the 13th floor in buildings. How do they do this? you may ask. You put a less vexing 4 where the 3 goes.

If I had my way I’d be watching a late showing of The Happening from M. Knight Shama-llama-ding-dong. Sure, his last movie was pretty much insane and a total bust. I’m actually surprised he didn’t star in this new one. His cameo’s got larger and larger with each film.

This Friday the 13th, I’ll probably end up at home snuggling on the couch with Sir Luke, watching Night of the Living Dead, instead. There is nothing like a scary movie to get the blood boiling on a Freaky Friday.
