Grandma’s Farm

Feb 24, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

My mom does this “Grandma’s Farm” visit at elementary schools where she tells them all about her life growing up on a farm with no hot water, or indoor toilets or T.V. She brings in her wheat grinder and shows the kids how to make muffins and then they get to churn butter in her old fashioned hand churn. When she did it for my class when I was in kindergarten she gave each of us heavy cream in a baby food jar and we all just shook those up til we had our very own butter for our whole wheat muffins!

She is starting to do it again this year. She tells this fantastic story about her and her siblings going out before dinner and riding a horse around the farm. Her mom called them all in for dinner. They left one minor detail behind. Her brother Eugene. He remained on the horse. A red headed little boy bobbing up and down out to pasture. Unfortunately for him, the horse got thirsty and as most farm horses go the best place for a refreshment was a pond. Down went the horse’s head and down went Eugene. With an awesome story like that how can you not expect to find thank you notes featuring this?

Do you remember being in 2nd grade when every letter you wrote ended with Sincerely? Thank the heavens I don’t have to worry about flame throwing irons either.


  • Capree says:

    Your mom is so cool. I wish I could meet her.

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