I love Lucy

Jun 17, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

My parents got me the entire I Love Lucy series on DVD for Christmas last year. But being old and senile they forgot where they had put it and didn’t find it until January when they helped us move into the new house.

I have watched the entire series since. Yes, all 6 seasons. It was my very favorite show when I was a kid and I still love it. It turns out that as a kid I watched ever single episode. I wondered if I had missed anything, but everytime I thought I had it turned out, I hadn’t. Some of them I only remember the beginning and others only the end. But sure enough, I’ve seen everyone.

I’ll admit that in marriage Lucy and Ricky were definitely stuck in the 50s but the clothing and shenanigans make up for it. I had no idea how much I adored Lucy and Ethel’s clothes until watching it all again. There is a great vintage store on ebay called Violetville Vintage that I think Capree got me stuck on once upon a blog share.

I think this dress is tres Lucy. Thoughts?
