Keyser Family: Utah Family Portrait Photography

Sep 3, 2010  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

Julie has been the mother-quasi-sister for my whole life. She and her husband married when I was only three and I was often confused for their child when we’d go out together. I’ve been an aunt since I was six. I love these kids. Kahla, Ben, Becky and Jake as well as our angel Jessica. The last time I photographed this family I subtly placed Jessica’s profile into the image so she could be part of their family photo. I knew it would be so important for their family and to me. She may not be on this earth with us but she is a  major part of our family.

Two years ago


I still can’t believe the changes in the group from two years ago to today. Kids really do grow up so fast. The girls are just stunning and those boys are on their way to being serious lady killers. Love this family so much! We had a great evening.
