Neighborhood Terrace

Sep 12, 2006  |  Posted by:

Hello all!

I have moved…fianlly. It has taken about two weeks for me to get here entirely, which was exauhsting. Thank the heavens for Christopher or I would have never made it! We took most of my stuff in a taxi after I about killed myself two days before treking my bed and bedding an towels and pillow on the A train down to 145th from 181st. Kids, don’t try this, EVER.

My job is going well. My hours have steadied out some. 9-7:30 or so, which I clearly don’t get paid enough to work, but whatever. It’s a job and I figure I need to pay my dues a little. I’m really excited because Christina is moving back on Thursday!!!!! YESSS! AND not only that but Jared comes back this week to get some more stuff before he moves to Boston. I’m pretty stoked to see both of them this week. It will be a nice weekend.

It’s a little hard to try and move into a new group of friends. Just about everyone I spent my summer with moved away last month so I’ve had to find a new posse to carry on with. Which has turned out well.

My new place is really sweet. It’s a 4 story brown stone. We occupy the second and third floor. It is gorgeous. Watch the video. you’ll get the idea. I’m still working on finding storage and a dresser and such to put all my stuff in. I tried to downgrade on belongings but owning 10 cameras really doesn’t help at all; plus Amy Lee has inspired me and now I seem to have accquired a few books along the way… I have 4 roommates, Holly (works at a mental health clinic…coincidence? I say not), who I share a room with, Jen and Becca (both teachers inthe Bronx), who share a room, and Karen (a stuent at Columbia getting her PhD in something that I’ve forgotten but it has to do with aiding coutries in working out kinks in schools, really awesome!).

I hope all is well. Enjoy the video!



  • MeganRuth says:

    i know…you have to see it in real life. as you gathered my videography is craptastic

  • Popsicle says:

    Gee Mego — a regular palace compared to the other place. The entry ceiling needs painting. That claw tub with shower is pretty rad.

    You are cramming a lot of life into a short time. ENJOY!!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Meg, I just read your most recent blog as well as re-read your “moving” blog. I love your new digs – except, of course, the kitchen problem. But if you don’t cook, who needs a stove??

    We are in Ft. Collins, Colorado over night – can’t sleep, it’s 1:30 a.m. so am working on my next website update. Will email when it’s done.

    Have a great day,
    Love, Mom

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