Nichol Grandkids!

Sep 3, 2009  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

My family is blended. So when discussing who these photos are for it gets a little confusing. These are my nephews and niece. You’ve probably seen them before and will see them again. My sister, Kathy, called to let me know her mother (Kathy and I have the same father) wanted some photos of her grandchildren. While I have some thirteen nieces and nephews on my side of the family there are only three directly related to her.

So, I obliged because who would pass up the chance to roll in the grass and step in dog poo to get photos of these charming faces?

I love them all!


  • Deveny says:

    So was this before or after the subaru incident? HAHAHA

  • Carolyn says:

    These pictures are so cute!

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