Picture Painting

Nov 2, 2007  |  Posted by:

I haven’t been shooting much lately. It’s been making me feel pretty drag. I like creating things and making things. I made a collage for Gaby for her birthday this year. I loved it and she loved it and I think I will continue to make them and start a store on etsy.com too. Maybe I can sell prints of my pictures too, if I get brave enough.

Judd had a shoot for Kotex last week. It was odd to get a request like that since he’s a food photographer. But it was only red flowers for their packaging, so why not? We went to the flower district the day before the shoot and acquired all the red flowers we could find. I think I found me wedding flowers in the mass as well.

Suffice it to say, I got to take home loads of flowers. It was a great excuse to shoot and Christina was my willing subject. Thankfully she was able to be my muse for 30 seconds at a time. It’s not often you can find a model who will sit still for that long and look so perfect!

You may have already seen my the pictures on my Polaroid blog or Christina’s. But just in case you hadn’t, here’s my favorite of the bunch. It made me happy when people said they looked like paintings. For some reason painting still seems more legitimate than photography.


  • Marcela says:

    I’m going to pretend you did not just say that painting seems more legitimate than photography…but seriously beautiful work 🙂

  • It is true I did love it to pieces. (figuratively) It is hanging on my wall right now reminding me how awesome you are!

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