Resolution Re-evaluation

Mar 18, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

So far I have:

Started my Etsy shop (not sold anything…yet!)
Produced one photograph a week (good or bad)
Decorated 1.5 rooms in my house, mostly decorated
Made three delicious meals a week, even if they weren’t from scratch
Bought a Wii and beat Sir Luke at boxing, multiple times
Tried to type emails, chats and texts with correct punctuation and grammar
Spent more time with my family, thanks to a move across the country

I’d say I’m doing fairly well so far. It turns out that writing your goals down does actually help, who knew?

Tonight, after my first day of my new job (it was pretty great, minus being a total vagrant) I came home to a clean house and laundry (thanks to a wonderful husband) and made a delicious meal. It was my first attempt at a real recipe and I think I did pretty well.

Don’t judge me. I am not Liz Duffy, nor am I Judd Pilossof. But Sir Luke and I both enjoyed it immensely! Hooray for resolutions!
