Strange Days

Jul 10, 2007  |  Posted by:

I was moping around this morning. I got a nice hug from Holly and some encouraging words from Luke before I headed for work.

I got off at 23rd and walked to the east side of the street so I could hit up the CVS on 25th and grab a Dr. Pepper so I wouldn’t fall asleep at my desk today. There is a bank on the corner of 23rd. A money truck was unloading some cash. I have never seen that much cash in my life. There was a man unloading a second sack of it onto a dolly while another man stood near the sidewalk. i couldn’t stop staring at the stacks of 20s and 100s. As I stepped onto the curb and started heading up the street the first man began to pull our his gun from its holster. My heart fell when I locked eyes with him.

I don’t think he would have actually shot anyone if they had come toward all that money but it made me think about our society as I passed a man in a wheel chair with one leg sitting right outside the bank.

Why are we all so selfish?
