The Story of the Hammock

Oct 17, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

When Sir Luke and I went out our lovely honeymoon to Costa Rica our funds for souvenirs were low and we wanted to make sure we got something useful that we could have for a long time.

Hammocks are very prevalent down there. After the first couple days of driving past a roadside hammock salesman we stopped on our way back from Zoo Ave. The two guys that were selling made the hammocks and were super nice. So we didn’t haggle and forked over the majority of our monies on a hammock for two.

When we took it to the airport the nice people there wrapped it in opaque blue plastic wrap so it would be safe on the flight. Unfortunately our check in agent was a poop and made us check it, even though someone else on our flight brought theirs on board. So when we got out hammock at LAX the lovely security people had sliced the opaque blue plastic wrap to see what was inside the awkward looking package.

Lucky for us the hammock wasn’t badly injured and we were able to hang it up in our scrawny back yard last Saturday. I plan on laying in it most of the weekend. I’m glad the cold front has gone.

Happy weekend!


  • Tess says:

    sooooo jealous right now. even IF i had a hammock it’s too cold to use it! what a great honeymoon souvenir!

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