Trying to Lose Some of the Weight

May 7, 2008  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

I could make all kinds of excuses for gaining back all of my weight that I lost back in 2004.

  • Stress
  • No time to go to the gym
  • Working for a food photographer
  • Taking pills to postpone parenthood for a time

Blah, blah, blah. But the real reason is lack of exercise and eating too much. That means I’ve been taking in way too many calories and not burning them off. A month ago I decided to make a goal, a real weight goal. With no money to go to the gym and the capability of working out at home I set out on a mission.

One pound in one week.

So far, I’ve lost four pounds. Yes it’s small, but it’s a start. And, I’m meeting my goal. I’ve cut my consumption in half (I wonder what on earth I’ve been eating for the past few months) and I exercise for about 30 minutes every morning. I also make it a point to wander around from one warehouse to the other at work. I drink about ten cups of water a day and have attempted to spread my lunch out over the entire work day; yogurt at 10am, sandwich at noon, and fruit at 3pm.

I’ve been weighing myself on our pallet scale at work…which is a little demeaning but what can I do?

I think that this whole thing will blow over once I can actually fit into my jeans again. Then it will be about getting back to a place where I was more confident and comfortable.


  • Trisha says:

    I’ve been trying to lose weight too. My sister in law told me about this website called It’s free and you can count your calories on the site. I signed up in March and have lost 11 pounds. I like it because it’s FREE

  • Club Narwhal says:

    this is very exciting! i am trying to eat healthier and actually drink water these days. and the pallet thing–i almost choked on the one cup of water i’ve managed to get down today πŸ™‚

  • Carolyn says:

    This is exciting, Megan! Good luck. I definitely need to eat healthier as well. It’s an important goal and I admire your dedication. πŸ™‚

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