We Love: Brilliant Ideas!

Dec 6, 2011  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

I found this while perusing Pinterest this morning. Seriously people, are you on Pinterest yet? You should be. And if you need an invite just let me know. This brilliant idea is for the person who is planning a proposal. But still, it’s amazing and a little “hint, hint, nudge, nudge” never hurt anyone. Right?

The groom hired a photographer to photograph the proposal and didn’t tell the bride until she opened her gift the day of the wedding. So so great. What a truly special surprise!

Image via Alyse French

I am all for photographing things of this nature. I love surprises. Even if I nearly burst with excitement and almost can’t keep my trap shut. Almost. As in I do not reveal said surprises! Promise. And my friend Andrea Eppolito does amazing proposals. She’ll help out your beau plan something truly fantastic. Having a professional their to photograph it is just he icing on the cake.

My darling Sir Luke did something kind of like this when he proposed to me in Fort Tryon Park in Upper Manhattan. We had planned a park day for ages. Upon finally having our picnic in the park he took the opportunity to propose. He set up his camera on timer and took a picture of the two of us. Sneakily he said he messed up and had to take another. Right before the shutter clicked he got down on one knee and proposed. We have a photo of the proposal but it’s a little underexposed. But none, the less, we have it! Unfortunately, I can’t currently locate it….boo.

And here’s how we announced our engagement. Our park day photos. Second row first picture was the engagement photo we used for our invitation. I took it on my polaroid SX-70 camera shortly before Luke proposed. I wish we had done official engagement session. Because those are all we have.

Would you have liked a covert photo of your proposal?


  • Sarah says:

    LOVE this idea! Especially when the groom goes to a lot of effort to make the proposal special or a surprise – it would be amazing to have some documentation of the event. 🙂

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