What NOT to Wear

Mar 13, 2010  |  Posted by: Megan Stay

Deciding what to wear for a family photo shoot can be super daunting. There are so many mistakes that people make that can take away from the purpose of family photos, YOUR FAMILY!

The first big mistake is text. Any written words in photographs end up being read, first and foremost. That means people aren’t looking at faces in photos, they’re reading words. I prefer not to have text in my backgrounds either unless it really adds to the photograph.

These photos of Anna and Packy’s wedding were taken at the Neon Graveyard in Las Vegas. The neon signs were there to add more meaning to the moment, not distract you from the couple I want you, the viewer, to focus on.
Second mistake, everyone wears white shirts and jeans or black shirts and khakis. Basic faux pas is wearing the same color shirts and same color pants/skirts. These photos can make you and your family look like one giant blob, especially when you’re all wearing exactly the same top. Who wants to be a blob? One thing that can help break this up, if you’re really dying to wear one solid color is texture. Ruffles, corduroy, satin finish, plaid, cotton, etc. Making each person standout in their own texture can help break up the monotony of one color. 
In this photo you can see the difference in texture that Caroline and Clayton chose. Both wearing plum colored shirts but with the different textures; they aren’t blending in with each other.
Ok so now I’ve told you what you should avoid, how about what you should shoot for. I would say first go through everyone’s closets and pick out something fun; one thing you like THE BEST from everyone’s closet. None of them have to work together I just want you to pick the article of clothing you like best from each person’s wardrobe. Now pick which one you like best. This will be your starting point. If the article of clothing is colorful pull different colors from it to coordinate with the rest of the family. You never have to buy anything new for photos, although sometimes it’s a nice excuse. Make sure you’ve got a mixture of solids and prints between the group. If the baby in your bunch is wearing print, it’s a safe bet mom or dad could get away with wearing print also, but use an editing eye when deciding. 
I’m a huge fan of layers. Layering in clothing and accessories make for great interest and can allow for a diversity in photographs. Don’t be afraid to bring more than one outfit to the shoot and change if the photographer thinks something else will be better, just realize you’re paying for their time and if you waste it changing you’ll have less time for photos. There is nothing wrong with taking a photo of your choices and emailing your photographer if you’re unsure. They can help let you know if something will work or totally clash.

Have any questions? Need more advise? Leave a comment or email me!


  • Carolyn says:

    Good to know! I’ll remember all this next time around… 🙂

  • Rebekah says:

    Hey there! Love your work. 🙂 I was curious if you could answer a question for me…since you live in Las Vegas can you tell me where the Boneyard/Graveyard for the neon Vegas signs is? Thanks so much! 🙂

  • Amy says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful advice! We’re having our family pictures done next month and this has definitely helped me with the decisions of what to wear! (Luckily, I only have to worry about my husband and my outfits because our kids are canines. LOL)


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